Purple reign: Golden Apple Award for St. Peter’s, Waldorf, third grade teacher whose favorite color is purple and favorite character is Eeyore

When Margo VanDenBossche first started teaching, her students asked her what her favorite cartoon or book character was.

“I’m an introverted person. Eeyore strikes a chord with me. Even when he doesn’t want to talk, his friends love him anyway,” she said of the donkey character from the Winnie the Pooh books and animated features.

VanDenBossche’s third grade classroom at Saint Peter’s School in Waldorf, Maryland, contains dozens of stuffed animal Eeyores of all shapes and sizes, along with Eeyore coffee mugs, pillows and other items, given to her by students and their families since she has taught there for the past 14 years, and earlier when she taught at the now-closed St. Hugh’s School in Greenbelt from 2003-2010.

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