Seniors reflect on how Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart shaped them

In interviews as their graduation day approached, seniors Daniela Braw-Smith and Lina Vuga shared memories of school spirit, community service, and sporting events at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, an all-girls first-to-12th-grade school in Bethesda, Maryland. Both began at Stone Ridge in ninth grade, their freshman year of high school.

Braw-Smith grew up in London and moved just before beginning at Stone Ridge. Next year, she will return home to study history at the University of Oxford in England. While at Stone Ridge, she was part of the Social Action Student Advisory Committee, the school newspaper, and the Habitat for Humanity Student Coalition group and played on the varsity squash team.

“We’re working towards building a little free library, and that’s been really instrumental in building up my confidence in that area,” Braw-Smith said of her volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity, adding that when the project is completed, it will be filled with children’s books.

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