Stone Ridge seniors reflect on impact of school’s Social Action Program
(The following reflections were written by Hallie Stallings and Lulu Schropp of the class of 2022 at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda, Maryland.)
Hallie Stallings: The Social Action program at Stone Ridge has had a transformative impact on my life. Led by seniors Becky Felker, Sarah Joseph and Anna Niepold, the Social Action Board (SASAB) plans bi-weekly service days throughout the year. On Social Action Wednesdays (the best days!), the Upper School engages in an educational and fun presentation and then goes out into our community to serve sites. The program builds on itself: freshmen stay on campus to learn the pillars of Catholic Social Teaching from amazing seniors, sophomores visit many sites, and juniors and seniors establish lasting relationships at a single site.
This year, my site was I Support the Girls, a nonprofit that distributes feminine hygiene products and bras to folks in need. We even packed over 24,000 feminine hygiene products for Ukraine! Amid writing thank you notes to donors and counting tampons to be packed, I formed close friendships with my fellow volunteers and was inspired by the organization’s commitment to treat everyone with human dignity.
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