High School Admissions Information
Each high school within the Archdiocese of Washington is unique and so is their admission process. Learn more about each high school by visiting their website.
Applying to a Catholic High School
Selecting the school that is the best fit for your child is a goal we share with you. Archdiocese of Washington Catholic schools has structured a program to make this process as easy as possible. These procedures are applicable whether students are currently enrolled in a Catholic elementary or middle school or not.
Students apply to a high school within the Archdiocese of Washington Catholic schools by completing the high school’s application form. Grades, test scores, and in some cases, an interview is considered by Catholic high schools in determining admission for each student. Be sure to visit the website for each high school you are considering to learn about their specific admissions requirements.
Attend the High School Fair
For rising 7th and 8th graders
When: Late Spring
This fair provides an opportunity to learn about all the Catholic high school options available for your family in the Archdiocese of Washington, as well as offer a chance to talk directly with admissions officers about the application process. The date and location of the high school fair is available in the current Catholic High Schools Directory.
After attending the high school fair, be sure to continue to do your research and talk to current high school students and families throughout the summer to get a better understanding of which school will be the right fit for your family.
To learn more about the schools across the archdiocese, try out our School Finder Tool or reach out to an individual school for more information.
Request Applications
And schedule shadow visits
When: Early September of 8th grade year
Once you narrow down your search, you’re ready to request applications from the high schools you are considering. Now is the right time to ask the schools about financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
You also have the opportunity to schedule up to three school “shadow visits” where your student can visit the school and follow a current student through a typical day.
Attend Open Houses
At your preferred schools
When: October through November
Throughout the fall, schools will hold open houses for potential students and their families. Our site will be updated to include the open house dates, but you can also contact schools directly to confirm dates.
At the open houses you will be able to see the school and meet the faculty who will be caring for your student day-in and day-out. A Catholic education is more than learning a curriculum, it’s also about students’ personal and spiritual growth. At an open house you will meet the faculty who will be integral to that growth.
Register to Take the Placement Test
To be submitted online
When: September through October
If the Catholic high school you are applying to requires the High School Placement Test (HSPT), be sure to remember to register before the deadline. This admissions exam will take place in November for students who attend an archdiocesan elementary school and in December for students who do not attend a Catholic elementary school.
Complete the Authorization to Release Records Form
To share information with high schools
When: Due mid-December
This is another administrative task, but still vitally important. Be sure to complete the Authorization to Release Records form, which allows your elementary school to release student records to the schools indicated on the HSPT registration form.
Apply for Tuition Assistance
Based on financial need
When: Early December Deadline
No family should be turned away from an education due to financial difficulties. The Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program is available for students in grads PreK-12 who are applying to, or currently enrolled in, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Washington.
You can learn more about the application process here.
Take the Admissions Examination
When: October through December
It’s finally time to take the entrance exam! It’s important to note that the dates and locations differ depending on the Catholic high school and whether the student attends a Catholic elementary school.
Learn more about the HSPT and other placement tests here. If you aren’t finding answers to your questions, you can email [email protected] or call 301-853-5387.
Complete and Deliver Application Forms
Prior to the deadline
When: December (unless otherwise indicated by the Catholic high school)
As with most of the steps in the process, the deadline to submit application forms will vary from school to school. Be sure to contact the applicable school(s) to confirm their application deadline.
Receive the Decision Notification!
When: Late February (unless otherwise indicated by the Catholic high school)
After all that hard work, it’s time to receive the news about your application! You will receive a letter in late February regarding your application, unless otherwise indicated by the school.

Any Questions?
We’d love to hear from you. Please contact the Archdiocese of Washington Catholic schools office if you have any questions or need additional information.
301.853.4518 (Phone)
301.853.7672 (Fax)