News & Information

Cardinal Gregory urges St. Joseph Regional Catholic School students to ‘let people know they are welcomed, loved’

Students’ self-portraits and dreams for the future

Cardinal Gregory’s visits to schools reflect his commitment to Catholic education

Photo Gallery: International Day at St. Jude Regional Catholic School

Photo Gallery: A day in the life of the Benedictine monks at St. Anselm’s Abbey

Catholic Schools Week event at Our Lady of Victory School recreates pilgrimage sites in classrooms

St. Mary’s School in Landover Hills sends Cards of Hope to students impacted by wildfires in Los Angeles

In Year of Hope, Georgetown Visitation’s Hope Dickson receives national award

During Catholic Schools Week Mass, 12 students at St. Mary’s School in Rockville receive First Communion

“Sigan el ejemplo de Don Bosco”, pide cardenal Gregory a estudiantes de DBCR

“Sigan el ejemplo de Don Bosco”, pide cardenal Gregory a estudiantes de DBCR

Trinitarian Father Albert Anuszewski installed as president of DeMatha Catholic High School

Update: Back to school during Catholic Schools Week

At Catholic Schools Week Mass, Charles County students learn that saints had homework, too

St. Peter’s School in Waldorf soars to new heights with flight simulators and drone program

Sugieren incorporar enseñanza de ‘Laudato Si’ en el aula

Photo Gallery: Students enjoy ‘Truck-A-Palooza’ at St. Andrew Apostle School

Former St. Bartholomew student honored in National Christmas Artwork contest

Gonzaga se corona doble campeón de fútbol

St. Jerome’s community honors Sister Geri McPhee for her 60th anniversary