Georgetown Visitation senior discusses high school highlights, class trips, and future goals
As Anne-Sophie Gray graduates from Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, an all-girls Catholic high school in Washington, D.C., she leaves a legacy of hard work in both her academic and personal achievements and lasting impressions on peers and teachers from the past four years.
Gray plans to study political science at Fordham University, a Jesuit university in New York, and intends to work in public policy or public affairs in the future. Her interest in politics and government can already be seen, as she was voted president of her senior class. Her other leadership positions include yearbook editor and co-president of the French club. She also helped coordinate events as a member of Kaleidoscope, a diversity, equity, and inclusion club.
Catholic education has been an important part of Gray’s life; she attended middle school at Holy Trinity School in Washington, D.C.