St. John’s students reflect on school life during the COVID-19 pandemic
By Andrew Kurowski, Class of 2022, St. John’s College High School, Washington
In the beginning of the pandemic, online learning felt very isolating. However, in that isolation I quickly discovered the strength of the St. John’s community. Although we were not together physically, the SJC faculty and my fellow students were there for me in every other way. The community worked tirelessly to ensure no student was left behind. As peers, we kept in regular contact and teachers were always willing to talk after class or during office hours. Despite the challenges of online learning, our community stayed strong. This strength of the SJC community is what made me so excited to return for in-person learning for my senior year. On that first day the energy among the students was palpable. Friends embraced and the hallways buzzed with chatter, and in that moment we put the hardships of online learning behind us.
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