Annunciation Catholic School
School Description:
Annunciation Catholic School aims to empower all scholars to become reflective, compassionate and mission driven individuals dedicated to use their God given gifts and talents to create a better world. Through a deeper and broader understanding of their faith, accompanied by an appreciation of the universality and connections of the entire world, our rigorous academic curriculum will foster in our scholars an empathic understanding of and active participation in the world as global citizens.
At A Glance:
One to One Google Chromebooks K-8
Comprehensive and Creative Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 Programs
Foreign Language, PK‐8
Small Class Sizes
After School Clubs and Activities Program
Before and After Care until 6pm
Principal Name:
Nicole Peltier-Lewis
District of Columbia
School Type:
School Level:
PreK - 8 School
Student:Staff Ratio:
Is Transportation Offered?
Are Elementary School Sports Offered:
3825 Klingle Place Northwest, Washington D.C., District of Columbia 20016, USA
Main School Phone Number:
Main School Email Address:
School URL: